About the Recipe
3 cups whole fresh cranberries
4 jalapeños thinly sliced
1 lime juiced
½ cup apple cider vinegar
½ cup water
1 low sugar Sure-Jell that's the powdered pectin in the pink box.
2 ½ cups sugar
Step 1
Prepare 4 (½ pint) jelly jars with their lids by placing them in boiling water and allow to simmer while making the jam.
Step 2
Mix the box of pectin with ¼ cup sugar.
Step 3
Add cranberries, jalapeños, lime juice apple cider vinegar, and water in a large stockpot. Mix in the pectin sugar mixture, set over high and bring to a boil.
Step 4
As the cranberries are cooking, crush with a potato masher. Be careful you don't burn yourself! Continue to cook until it comes to a hard boil.
Step 5
Add the remaining sugar and bring back to a full rolling boil, boil for exactly 1 minute and remove from heat.
Step 6
Ladle into sterilized hot jars leaving ¼ inch headspace at the top of each jar.
Step 7
Wipe jar rims and cover with lids and screw the rings on tightly.
Step 8
Process jars in a hot water bath in canner pot for 10 minutes. Remove and allow to cool completely. After jars are cool, check seals to make sure they are sealed.